Top Ten Tuesday

Posted December 23, 2014 by in General / 10 Comments

This week’s prompt from The Broke and the Bookish is “Top Ten Books You Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing”. Which is a little awkward, as I know almost exactly what Santa’s bringing me — so I’ll have to try and think of books I didn’t put on my list, to make this a bit more fun.

Italics added to ones that I’ve been bought since I made this list!

  1. Two Serpents Rise, Max Gladstone. I really need to read more of this series. I enjoyed the first book, and people have been pretty enthusiastic. (Aaaand my partner’s buying me this.)
  2. Ancillary Sword, Ann Leckie. As of typing this, I haven’t read Ancillary Justice yet. But I’m still reasonably sure I’m going to enjoy it…
  3. The Book of Atrix Wolfe, Patricia A. McKillip. Or, in fact, anything I haven’t already got by McKillip.
  4. Dreamer’s Pool, Juliet Marillier. It sounds like one of her books that I might well enjoy.
  5. Mélusine, Sarah Monette. Since I adored her book as Katherine Addison. (And partner’s getting me this one too.)
  6. Faery Tales, Carol Ann Duffy. It’s Carol Ann Duffy! ’nuff said. (Though my aunt may be getting me this one.)
  7. Beowulf, trans. J.R.R. Tolkien. I’ve read it, but I don’t have my own print copy to go on my shelf.
  8. The Gift, Alison Croggon. Since a friend talked a lot about this series.
  9. Those Who Hunt the Night, Barbara Hambly. For some reason, I’m seeing people recommend this a lot lately. And somehow I still haven’t tried reading anything of Hambly’s.
  10. Mindscape, Andrea Hairston. I can’t remember much about this, but it’s been bookmarked for ages in my ‘looks interesting’ queue, and I remember being veeeery tempted to buy it at the time.

Now I’m thinking maybe I should’ve let this go live way before 23rd Dec, to give people a chance to maybe make some of my wishes come true… Ah well, I’m being spoilt enough already!

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10 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday

  1. I’m unfamiliar with some of the books on your list, save Beowulf. In English my class analyzed some excerpts from the book, namely the first scene, at the first mention of Grendel and when Beowulf is encouraging his men. Hope you receive your picks books this year! 😀

    Claire @ Cover to Cover

  2. There have been so many books that have seeped through so many book blogs this year that have featured so many of J.R.R. Tolkien’s other narratives and I just sit here wondering why I haven’t heard of them! Is it because I’m a poser? Probably huh? Ha ha!

    Still, great list! I do hope you receive at least one! Warm wishes and Merry Christmas!

    Sparrow’s TTT

    • Ha, I only know about a lot of the recently published stuff because I did stuff on Tolkien during my MA. So I knew that his Beowulf translation and his King Arthur poem were unpublished and eagerly hoped for, and I was connected to people talking about ’em when they were announced. Otherwise I might’ve missed it too!

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