It’s Wednesday again already! How does that keep happening? And do I make the same joke too often? It’s too warm to think of a new one.
What are you currently reading?
A couple of things at once, as usual! I’m most of the way through Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass, which is more autobiographical than I had been led to expect, and which just doesn’t quite work for me in its outlook. I’m also still working on Behave, by Robert Sapolsky; he seems to be taking an awful long time to say nothing new.
In fiction news, I finally started Zen Cho’s Black Water Sister, which I’m enjoying but not getting super into — partly because I haven’t had much brain for reading with how warm it is.
What have you recently finished reading?
Virginia Postrel’s The Fabric of Civilization, which I enjoyed quite a lot. I think I’d have got more out of it if I had a visual imagination, though: when she described how to weave, for instance, it just meant nothing to me.
What will you be reading next?
Don’t know! I really need to get to Slippery Creatures (K.J. Charles), but who knows?
Alright, your turn!