Greetings from Canada! Though my WordPress scheduling still has stuff going up at my standard UK posting times, I am indeed far from home.
So the haul this week… I got The Long and Faraway Gone due to a giveaway Chris Holm did. <3 I hadn’t heard of it before, but I’m intrigued. And then, well… Canadian bookshops. Calgary is amazing.

And me and my partner jointly got Nimona. And she got Sex Criminals and Loki: Agent of Asgard. We share comics anyway; reminds me I need to lend her The Wicked + The Divine if I haven’t yet. And is the next TPB of that out?

Seriously; Shelf Life on 4th Street SW was okay, Indigo in the Core was great, but Fair’s Fair on 9th Avenue/8th Street was a paradise.
And here’s our weird Canadian encounter for the week: while stood at a bus stop with our bags of purchases, my partner and I noticed a guy walking towards us with a book in hand. Naturally we wondered what it was, but I didn’t let her ask (I’m too British). As he came up to us, he asked if we liked books. Partner said yes and showed him the bags as proof. He dropped his book into the bag and walked on before we even had chance to say thank you.

I’m not sure if I’m gonna read it, but I will keep it for the story of how I got it…
What’s everyone else been getting? Are you anywhere exciting this week?