WWW Wednesday

Posted March 19, 2025 by Nicky in General / 1 Comment

Cover of Everything is Tuberculosis by John Green

Cover of Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales, by Heather FawcettWhat have you recently finished reading?

The last thing I finished was Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales, which I’d stalled on for a bit due to life stuff. It took a bit to nudge me back into it, since I was halfway through and had stopped at a weird spot — but not that much, ahaha. I read the last 150 pages or so in two big gulps. I really liked it; I’m not sure if it’s actually the conclusion or there are thoughts about more, but it makes a good potential conclusion.

Cover of The Cleopatras: The Forgotten Queens of Egypt, by Lloyd Llewellyn-JonesWhat are you currently reading?

Most of my other current reads are stalled for similar reasons, but yesterday I started reading Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones’ The Cleopatras, which I’m fascinated by so far — it’s really interesting to see “the” Cleopatra as part of a dynasty of remarkable women.

I’m also reading Scarhaven Keep by J.S. Fletcher, via Serial Reader. So far it’s… well, it feels like a classic mystery, which it is, and that sort of familiar structure is very comforting to me. I’m enjoying it, although so far it’s not particularly remarkable.

Cover of Everything is Tuberculosis by John GreenWhat will you be reading next?

As soon as I’m done with my tasks for the day, I want to make a start on Everything is Tuberculosis (John Green). Tuberculosis is a bit of a special interest for me, and it sounds like for him too (based on the blurb on the back), and I’d love to have a pop-science book about TB to recommend people.

(If you take one thing away from my blog, please let it be that TB is still a very important disease, and in some ways a growing — not diminishing! — threat. It’s the biggest cause of death by a single infectious disease in the world.)

Other than that, I want to start on the third volume of The Apothecary Diaries light novels soon, especially since finishing that would get me a bingo in the Litsy book bingo game I play.

How about you?

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One response to “WWW Wednesday

  1. Nice variety!

    Last book I finished: Calypso, by Oliver K. Langmead. A fabulous scifi written as a poem! It works!
    Am reading : Confusion, by Stephan Zweig (for my Classics Club spin)
    Am listening to: The Prefect, by Alastair Reynolds – scifi, for ReadingWales’25
    Next: probably Thousand Cranes, by Yasunari Kawabata (preparing for The 1952 Club)

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