What have you recently finished reading?
The last thing I finished was Fighting Fit, by Laura Dawes, which was all about the multi-level effort to keep Britain healthy during WWII. Some of it I knew already, but a lot of the details I didn’t. I found it really readable and enjoyable, except maybe the chapter on scabies (really made me feel itchy, gah).
On the same day I also finished The Roads to Rome, which I ultimately found a really annoying read where I struggled to retain anything no matter how carefully I tried to pay attention. Probably a bit too much of a travelogue for me.
What are you currently reading?
I’m most of the way through The Virtues of Underwear, by Nina Edwards, which I’m enjoying — even if it introduced me to the concept of the, I kid you not, “corset hoodie”. Which sounds like a travesty to me, I’ll be honest.
Other than that, I’m partway through Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales, by Heather Fawcett, which I paused for really not fitting the mood. I might be ready to get back to it now.
What will you read next?
As usual, that’s hard to answer. More rereads of A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation, for sure, and I should start on reading more of my library books, so maybe Zen Cho’s Spirits Abroad.
What are you reading?
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