WWW Wednesday

Posted February 5, 2025 by Nicky in General / 4 Comments

February’s a marathon of studying; I’m having fun with it, but it does put a bit of a damper on reading time. Still, here we go with the usual weekly update!

Cover of The Spellshop by Sarah Beth DurstWhat have you recently finished reading?

I’m about to (finally) finish The Spellshop. I stalled on reading it at first, mostly just because of mood reasons, but I got back into it in the last week and read it in big chunks. I love Meep and Caz (the sentient plants), and I do enjoy the cosiness of it, though I found Kiela’s relationship with Larran a bit rushed.

Before that, I finished up Around the World in 80 Birds, by Mike Unwin, which I liked — it’s really beautifully illustrated, though a bit less whimsical than some of the illustrations in other books of this series.

Cover of The Light Eaters by Zoe SchlangerWhat are you currently reading?

The Light Eaters, by Zoë Schlanger, a book about plant intelligence. So far it’s discussing plant senses, not so much intelligence — which is fascinating in its own right, since a lot of people don’t even realise plants have senses, let alone imagine the idea of plant “intelligence”. I’m not sure how we’re going to define intelligence for these purposes, but I look forward to finding out.

Cover of The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine AddisonWhat will you be reading next?

Uhhh, good question! I have a few eARCs lined up, and I’ve finished my reread of Katherine Addison’s The Witness for the Dead and The Grief of Stones, so I might start by reading The Tomb of Dragons. After that, I just got approved for T. Kingfisher’s Hemlock & Silver, and Robert Jackson Bennett’s A Drop of Corruption, so I miiiight focus on those. I’m trying not to let a backlog of books acquired in 2025 develop to go with the older backlog of… everything else. We’ll see!

How about you?

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