Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted February 1, 2025 by Nicky in General / 30 Comments

Good morning! I’m back in my usual abode, and settled back in — after a bit of a struggle because our internet connection had cut out. (Even worse, turns out it’s because a rodent bit through the cable.) It was good to have a change, and now it’s good to be home!

Without further ado, let’s dig into the doings of this week.

Books acquired this week

Just one, and of course I positively leapt upon it: The Orb of Cairado is out!

Cover of The Orb of Cairado by Katherine Addison

I’m hoping to read that this weekend, since I’m currently rereading The Grief of Stones and preparing to read the third of that trilogy.

Posts from this week

Time for the round-up of posts from this week. Let’s see…

And of course, my What Are You Reading Wednesday post!

What I’m reading

As always, let’s start with what I’ve finished up this week (at least, assuming I plan to review it). Here’s a quick peek!

Cover of The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong Cover of Murder as a Fine Art by Carol Carnac Cover of Sheeplands: How Sheep Shaped Wales and the World by Alan Marshall

Cover of A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland Cover of Who Owns This Sentence: A History of Copyrights and Wrongs by David Bellos and Alexandre Montagu Cover of Thus Was Adonis Murdered by Sarah Caudwell

I did also finish up a reread of The Witness for the Dead, and start on rereading The Grief of Stones, which I intend to finish today. Other than that, my reading plans involve the new novella in that world mentioned above, The Orb of Cairado, and then probably I’ll try to get back into reading Sarah Beth Durst’s The Spellshop.

And of course I’ll leave room to read whatever strikes my fancy…

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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30 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

    • Oh no, that’s terriboe about the rodent ruining the internet connection. I have to use my 5 G signal off the devices here. Welcome back to your usual abode 🙂 Lots of good books you have. Love the cover of the Addison book.

      • My PC doesn’t even have wireless capability, so I couldn’t do that on my main computer. I did piggyback off my phone for my laptop, but it’s not the same. In case this happens in future, I got a wireless receiver for my PC now!

  1. The Orb of Cairado sounds like a great read. I am always delighted when a book I’ve been eager to read finally appears.
    I’m curious about This Sentence. You always have new nonfiction that I haven’t seen before.

    • I love the world it’s set in a lot, so I was very excited. And indeed, I finished it last night, hehe.

      Who Owns This Sentence? was really interesting. I thought it might be dry, but I actually found it very compulsive reading!

    • 100%! Seems like it might be due to the flat below (I live in a maisonette) being kind of abandoned and not properly cleaned out first, so we’ve even had to report that to the council, ugh.

  2. I’m not a happy person when my internet or tv service goes out. I’m retired and they are part of my daily routine. I hope you have no more rodent problems.

    • It was such a pain! Especially since I work from home. I was able to get online on my laptop by using my phone’s hotspot, but I couldn’t do anything with my PC because it can’t do wireless. I’m glad we had a quick fix.

    • It’s weird to think how much that experience has changed over time! Used to be everyone would be watching the latest episode of something at the same time, but… here we are.

    • Especially since I work from home! But also because it’s just weiiird not having internet.

      The Teller of Small Fortunes is lovely, I hope you enjoy it when you get to it!

  3. I’m really hoping to read The Spellshop soon too! And I see you’ve read A Sweet Sting of Salt. I was intrigued by it and recommended it for my in-person bookclub’s botm but it didn’t win. I’m excited to see what you thought of it!

    • I’m most of the way through The Spellshop now, though I didn’t finish it over the weekend as I hoped. It’s nice!

      A Sweet Sting of Salt was more literary/historical fiction than fantasy, it was very coy with the selkie part, but I liked it.

  4. Omg, the cover of the new Katherine Addison is gorgeous! I really need to read her work. (And not because of the covers.)

    The Spellshop was charming; I hope you enjoy it. And I loved The Teller of Small Fortunes (which reminds me; I need to write the review.)

    I hope you (or someone) were or are able to find and get rid of the rodent and any of its friends and relations in your abode. (shudders) And I’m glad your internet is fixed.
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    • I love Katherine Addison’s work, definitely recommend!

      Luckily, no rats in our flat, “just” in the flat downstairs, and no sign of any infiltration or anything. We’ve reported the flat below to the council as an abandoned home causing issues… we’ll see.

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