Wednesday again! How does that keep happening, and why do I keep making the same semi-joke?
What have you recently finished reading?
Yesterday I finished two books! The first was a book about copyright, Who Owns This Sentence? A History of Copyrights and Wrongs, by Alexandre Montagu and David Bellos. It wasn’t as dry as you might think, though it gets a bit repetitive; it’s fairly anti-copyright, wanting to reduce copyright terms and the ability of companies to own those rights. It seemed fair enough on most points.
I also finally got round to rereading The Witness for the Dead, preparatory to rereading the second book and then finally getting to my ARC of the third. For some reason, even though I’ve read it multiple times, I can never remember the culprit of the main mystery. In a way it’s unimportant, compared to the journey.
I do love Pel-Thenhior so, though.
What are you currently reading?
My most “active” read is Thus Was Adonis Murdered, by Sarah Caudwell, which I started last night. I’m not very far into it yet, so it’s hard to judge, but I’m enjoying the tone — it’s light-hearted and witty without trying too hard to be laugh-out-loud funny.
I’m still reading The Leavenworth Case via Serial Reader, which is an interesting endeavour as someone interested in the development of crime/mystery fiction, but somewhat irritating in terms of all the swooning etc etc.
What will you be reading next?
I don’t know for sure, but I’d like to continue with The Apothecary Diaries light novels soon, before my brain forgets what I know so far, and of course I want to reread The Grief of Stones (Katherine Addison) in order to get on to the third book of the trilogy.
But as ever, it could be almost anything.
How about you? Reading anything good?
What’s the Apothecary Diaries about? The title sounds interesting!
Here’s my WWW Wednesday post:
It’s a Japanese light novel about a girl who has been training to be an apothecary who ends up drawn into various intrigues in the palace which holds all the emperor’s wives. It’s pretty fun, she’s so uninterested in a lot of it so she has a funny perspective. My review of volume one is here!
Sounds good, thanks!
It sounds like you’ve had a pretty good reading week! I haven’t head of any of these, but Thus Was Adonis Murdered has an interesting title, lol.
It was a fun one! Interesting narrator, interesting murder puzzle. I finished it up today and I think I’ll get the second book.
I’d actually be interested in the copyright book. Currently taking a course on Coursera called “Copyright for Librarians and Educators”!
I actually really enjoyed it! You’d think it’d be quite dry, but I liked it.