A busy week for me, on the book front! Life-wise things have been mostly calm, just work and studying and so on, as per usual.
Books acquired this week
I didn’t expect to acquire any books this week, but… that’s not how it turned out, ahaha. First up, some library holds came in…
Aaand then I also got an early Christmas present from my bosses at Postcrossing, and of course it was also time for the British Library Crime Classic release, meaning I got the new one via my subscription.
And then while straightening out my wishlist right before setting my wife loose on it for Christmas presents, I picked up a couple of ebooks that were going cheap aaaand I also purchased a new light novel on a whim, just to see what this series is like.
As you see, I’ve given myself plenty to keep me busy until Christmas (and beyond)!
Posts from this week
Time for the usual roundup! Reviews first, as ever:
- Non-fiction: All the Violet Tiaras: Queering the Greek Myths, by Jean Menzies (4/5 stars)
- Mystery: Murder in the Bookshop, by Carolyn Wells (1/5 stars)
- Fantasy novella: The Wood at Midwinter, by Susanna Clarke (2/5 stars)
- Romance manga: A Side Character’s Love Story, vol 3, by Akane Tamura (3/5 stars)
- Non-fiction: The Bookshop, The Draper, The Candlestick Maker: A History of the High Street, by Annie Gray (3/5 stars)
And just one non-review post, my What Are You Reading Wednesday update.
What I’m reading
As ever, here’s a sneak peek at the books I finished reading this week which I plan to review on the blog! As you can see, it’s been another busy week, helped along by novellas and manga.
I’m going to be reading more of A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation this weekend for sure, but what else…? Probably some more of A Side Character’s Love Story, and finishing up with Michael Waters’ The Other Olympians, my current serious read, which is about the fascist and specifically Nazi origins of sex testing in sport.
But, as ever, it depends on my whims in the moment.
Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!
I ought to look into the British Classic Crime Classics. Is the subscription for Kindle books or physical books? I have book envy today , hahaha
The subscription is for the physical books! They each come with a bookmark (usually) and something like a poster, postcard, reproduction of a map, etc. It’s direct from the British Library, and each month’s book is whatever they’ve newly published that month (so you don’t get the backlist this way).
They also often have them up on Kindle Unlimited, at least on the UK version, which can be handy when travelling and such.
The Wood at Midwinter is definitely in my list! How’re you liking it so far?
I finished it, actually! The review is linked above, let me grab it… here we are! I didn’t love it, sadly.
I couldn’t resist Around the World in 80 Birds either. I read The Wood at Midwinter yesterday. I was surprised when it arrived, as I wasn’t expecting such a short book. It ended rather abruptly for me. I think I expected a little more.
The whole series is really pretty, so I was eager to get my hands on this one!
And yeah, same experience with The Wood at Midwinter, sadly.
The Around the World in 80 Birds looks delightful. I’ve got it reserved. Also, good to hear about the British Library subscription. I’m going to look into that! Happy Holidays!
The whole series is lovely, I do recommend them! 🙂 I haven’t read the birds one yet, but I’m looking forward to it.
Wow so busy! And so many books! Ergh I try to get my partner to do a wishlist but he doesn’t like anything. Anything that he does like I do the gallent thing and let other people get it for him as he is so difficult to buy for. In the end I just get lots of silly little bits and it’s his own fault
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
Some people are such a pain to buy for, haha!
Nice haul! I personally couldn’t get into This Will be Fun despite liking the premise. That bird book sounds interesting as well as The Honey Witch, will have to look those up. I am currently listening to the first Malka Older book after I got reminded of it thanks to one of your Sunday Posts, I am almost done with it. I hope the series continues to be good.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #626
Ooh, I do enjoy the Mossa and Pleiti books, I hope you love them all!
I’m not sure if This Will Be Fun will be 100% my thing, but it was worth a try at that price, hehe.
I enjoyed This Will Be Fun, though it was a little heavier on the romance than I was expecting.
I’ll be really interested to learn what you think of Susie Dents book.
Wishing you a wonderful reading week
Good to know! I do read romance as well, so I might quite enjoy that aspect.
I’ve veeeery curious about the Susie Dent, I love the idea.
My reading depends on whims too. I start so many books but if it doesn’f fit my mood, I move on to another for the time being.
Have a good week.
Definitely. Life’s too short to force yourself to read something when you’re not feeling it!
Oh I love the Malka Older books and want to get that one. My request is pending. Sigh. It’s not out until June.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
I’m very lucky, I have auto-approval from Tor. I hope they approve your request!
I’m a cover snob and I love a few of those. I keep saying I want to read more Christie and then I don’t.
I’m not as big a fan of Agatha Christie as some are; I can’t put my finger on quite why. But some of her books are great!
There are some very nice covers here! And it looks like you are getting plenty of reading done!
Have a great week!
I’m on a roll with reading! I did less reading yesterday because I got busy with Christmas stuff, but that’s okay.
Around the World in 80 Birds looks amazing! I’m glad to see your review for Murder in the Book Shop since I’d been thinking of reading it. Now, I won’t!
Murder in the Bookshop was such a disappointment. 🙁
I try very hard not to be as biased as I am but I can’t help it, I’m just drawn to any book with the word Witch in the title. The Honey Witch sounds good, and the cover looks good too! I hope you enjoy it!
I’ve heard some mixed things, but it sounds tempting enough that I decided I’ll give it a shot!
I have to avoid the ebook sales so I only put paperback on my wishlist. I have hundreds of books on my Kindle I’ve never read because of ebook sales.
Lots of great reads here. My daughter doesn’t read blogs often but I will send her a link to yours. She loves manga and has been trying to get some of her older kids into it.