Happy Wednesday! Here we go again.
What have you recently finished reading?
Yesterday I finished reading The Big Four by Agatha Christie — a book of hers that she didn’t think much of, that I actually… kind of liked? I’m still not a huge Poirot fan, nor a Hastings fan, but this one was just so dramatic and over-the-top, while not actually getting too deep into the seaweed to churn out red herrings and misdirections.
It probably helps as well that it was relatively short.
What are you currently reading?
I’m most actively working on The Other Olympians, by Michael Waters; it’s slow going because it’s a period of history I’m not personally fascinated by, and I’m also not that interested in sport history in general. I’m here to understand the Nazi underpinnings of sex testing for athletes, along with anything else they gifted sport with along the way.
What will you be reading next?
That’s a very good question, to which I mostly don’t know the answer. I’m reading a lot of manga at the moment, and I tend to read each volume all in one go, letting my whim guide me.
That said, if I’m going to do any of my seasonal reading, I should get to that soon, so maybe Dramatic Murder by Elizabeth Anthony, this year’s Christmas-themed reprint from the British Library Crime Classics series, or Miss Beeton’s Murder Agency by Josie Lloyd, a random pick from the library.
What about you, dear reader?
I remember reading The Big Four a few years back and it was one of my least favourite Poirot books I’ve read, alas. Glad you liked it more than I did and I do appreciate less red herrings that’s for sure 🙂 Happy reading!
It might’ve helped that it’s short! I’m not a great Poirot fan, after all, heh.