Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted December 7, 2024 by Nicky in General / 24 Comments

I’m very much enjoying the advent season so far — as I’ve probably mentioned before, I usually go overboard on creating a custom advent calendar of gifts for my wife, a whole mix of things like craft kits, nerdy phone charms, books, etc. I watch out for people’s reviews of horror books all year (especially from Mogsy at The Bibliosanctum) so I can make some good choices Lisa wouldn’t otherwise hear about, since it’s really not my genre. So that’s a lot of fun, and adds a bright spot to every day.

Hope everyone’s having a good December so far, whether or not you’re celebrating any kind of holiday this month!

Books acquired this week

This week I got a couple of eagerly-awaited books to review via Netgalley: I love the Mossa and Pleiti books, and I’ve been adoring the Emily Wilde series. I also forgot to mention Neon Yang’s new book last week, so here it is!

Cover of The Potency of Ungovernable Impulses by Malka Older Cover of Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales, by Heather Fawcett Cover of Bright than Scale, Swifter than Flame by Neon Yang

I’m really excited to dig into these.

Posts from the last week

First up, the reviews!

And the only other thing I posted was my WWW Wednesday post.

What I’m reading

I have a long way to go to meet my stretch reading goal this year: as I write, I have to read 52 more books to meet my goal, and I haven’t given up yet! I’ve been reading quite a lot this week, finishing 17 things that count as books on StoryGraph (though a couple of them were very short, and there were a lot of graphic novels and manga in the mix). Here’s a sneak peek of the ones I plan to review here!

Cover of Machine Readable Me by Zara Rahman Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 4 by Akane Tamura Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 5 by Akane Tamura Cover of They Came to Slay by Thom James Carter

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 6 by Akane Tamura Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 7 by Akane Tamura Cover of Breaks by Emma Vieceli and Malyn Ryden Cover of Snowflake Kisses by Jordan Greene & Yayira Dzamesi

Cover of Camp Spirit by Axelle Lenoir Cover of Cultish by Amanda Montell Cover of Star Collector vol 1, by Sophie Schonhammer and Anna Backhausen Cover of Star Collector vol 2, by Sophie Schonhammer and Anna Backhausen

I know, I know, it’s a lot!

Over the weekend, I plan to do a bunch more reading — for one thing, I want to dive into The Potency of Ungovernable Impulses, and there’s more manga I want to read, and I’m partway through Murder at the Ashmolean and Black Ops & Beaver Bombing

Suffice it to say, I’ll be keeping busy!

How’s everyone else doing?!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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24 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

  1. You are knocking it out of the park with reading! I am looking forward to joining the classics club and getting started this month. As it’s a five year goal I am not waiting for January.

    • Thanks, I need the luck! Honestly, I’ll let go of the goal if it causes too much stress/feels like way too much obligation… but we’ll see how it goes.

      And hope you have a great week too, thanks for dropping by!

    • Hehe, I go nuts on the day as well! I love having an excuse to give people presents.

      I saw a bunch of people had been waiting for approval for ages, so I feel really lucky!

  2. Good luck and good for you not giving up. I love the Malka Older and Heather Fawcett series also. The UK versions of the Heather Fawcett books are the most gorgeous. That’s so amazing of you to make the advent calendar.

    Anne – Books of My Heart   This is my Sunday Post

  3. It’s always so much fun creating gifts for those we love! The Potency of Ungovernable Impulses sounds like an intriguing read. I will be eagerly awaiting the review.

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