2024 really is ticking to a close at alarming speed, huh? Here we go again, another Wednesday!
What have you recently finished reading?
Mostly comics and short graphic novels, playing with my new colour ereader. The last one I finished was Savage Red Sonja: Queen of the Frozen Wastes. I enjoyed Gail Simone’s run on Red Sonja, so I wanted to see if I was interested enough to read some other collections. Answer… maybe? It remains not 100% my thing, and I think I’d prefer it in the hands of female writers, but there is something enjoyable about just leaning into the tropes and letting Sonja rock her chainmail bikini.
What are you currently reading?
I’ve been focused on shorter books for a bit, to match my tired-out attention span. In the background I’m slowly reading The Spellshop, which I’m enjoying well enough, but isn’t blowing me away — possibly due to the aforementioned attention span.
I’ve also started on Murder at the Ashmolean, by Jim Eldridge; the series is kinda shrug, but mysteries tend to work for me even when I’m not getting through books with more world-building and such.
What will you read next?
I just snagged a review copy of Malka Older’s The Potency of Ungovernable Impulses from Netgalley, so I’m inclined to read that right away — it’s just short enough that I can probably finish it in one go, which is another way to handle my short attention span. I love this series, too.
Other than that, I’m not sure!
How about you?
I’ve had The Spellshop on my TBR list for minute and a need to pick it up. I’ve not heard of Murder at the Ashmolean but now I’m interested in checking out the series. Happy Reading and lovely blog!
There’s a lot I like about The Spellshop so far — I hope I can get back into my groove with reading it, maybe at the weekend. Thanks for dropping by!
I am curious about The Spellshop and look forward to hearing what you think of it when you finish. That sounds like a struggle with your tired-out attention span making it hard to get into books. I got one of Malka Older’s books on audio, I haven’t listened to it yet. This one looks good too! I hope I’ll enjoy that series.
Lola recently posted…Review: All For Knot Book Two by Ember Blaze
I really like the sentient spider plant in The Spellshop, so I hope to settle in and enjoy the book as a whole soon!
All these are new to me.
My very last book was Celebrated Cases Of Judge Dee.
Among others, I’m currently reading The End of her Honeymoon.
Next: Claudine
You will more about all these here: https://wordsandpeace.com/2024/12/02/the-top-7-books-to-read-in-december-2024/
I’ll check it out!