Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted September 21, 2024 by Nicky in General / 13 Comments

Oof, feels like it’s been a long week. I’ve been productive and got some important stuff done, at least!

Books acquired this week

I wasn’t really planning a library trip this week as well, but I was in town anyway to sort something out, and I ended up with some free time. So I went to the library again…

Cover of the Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy by Dr Arik Kershenbaum Cover of The Book at War by Andrew Pettegree Cover of Plants: From Roots to Riches by Kathy Willis and Carolyn Fry

Cover of The Lost Spells, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris Cover of Undying: A Love Story, by Michel Faber

I picked up some poetry on a whim; I haven’t read much poetry in ages, but I did start reading some again quite recently, and it seemed like a fun idea to dip into whatever the library has to try some poets I haven’t read before. Though I already love the song project based on The Lost Spells; give “The Snow Hare” and “Selkie Boy” a try, if you’re curious.

And checked out a local indie bookshop, The Book Vault. I have a couple more books I want to pick up later, but I settled for just two for now.

Cover of We Could Be Heroes by P.J. Ellis Cover of Rocket to the Morgue by Anthony Boucher

Posts from this week

As usual, time for a bit of a roundup. Here are the reviews first:

And the non-review posts:

What I’m reading

This week I did get back into the groove and start reading a bit more again, though it was mostly short stuff until today, when I tucked into a non-fiction book grabbed from the library and finally got back to reading Heaven Official’s Blessing (vol 6, which I’ve been struggling with due to the flashback interrupting the plot). Here’s a sneak peek of the books I’ve finished since last week (the ones I plan to review, at least):

Cover of Burning Books for Pleasure and Profit by KJ Parker Cover of Poirot Investigates, by Agatha Christie Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 19 by Akane Tamura Cover of Undying: A Love Story, by Michel Faber Cover of The Lost Spells, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris

Hopefully today I’ll finish this volume of Heaven Official’s Blessing, and maybe get a bit more into the swing of reading again.

How’s everyone else doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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13 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

    • The inside blurb says it starts with the American Civil War, through to the current invasion of Ukraine. It looks like there’s a section on the World Wars (difficult to tell from a quick look whether it’s treating both together or separately).

    • I tried to just go with whatever caught my eye to see if I could find anything tempting! I guess it worked, since I’ve read three of the five library books. XD

    • I don’t love all the songs the group did for that project, but there are some lovely ones! I think “Selkie Boy” is my favourite. Glad you liked it!

  1. mae

    During the pandemic, like everyone else, I stopped going to the library and now I can’t seem to get back to it. Instant access via Kindle has spoiled me. I need to change that! Your library trips look great.
    best, mae at

  2. Looks like a successful library visit. Hope you have time to read them. That’s my struggle with books. I get them, but then I don’t wind up having time to read them.

  3. I’m at the library for pickup about twice a week. They said if a week went by and I didn’t come they’d think I was sick. haha! Love that Zoologust Guide and the one about plants. Thanks for the suggestions as I am putting together a list of nonfiction and more fall reading books!

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