WWW Wednesday

Posted September 18, 2024 by Nicky in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

How’d it get to Wednesday again already? Welp, here we go.

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 19 by Akane TamuraWhat have you recently finished reading?

The last thing I finished was volume 19 of Akane Tamura’s A Side Character’s Love Story (Mobuko no Koi). The main relationship is adorable, though in this volume, Hiroki and Nobuko didn’t even see each other, and there was quite a bit of focus on the, well, side characters.

Before that I finished up with Poirot Investigates in Serial Reader. Hastings still really gets my goat.

Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 6 by MXTXWhat are you currently reading?

I’m mostly in the middle of reading Heaven Official’s Blessing vol 6, though I’ve stalled a bit as I got to the next arc and it’s a flashback again — one which I know is very tragic. My wife’s been reading at the same pace as me and has started on the flashback, though, so I need to get back to turning those pages.

I also finally got back to my reread of Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, which I find incredibly satisfying as ever. It’s surprising how fast it slips by for such a chunky book.

Aaand on Serial Reader I’m comfortably ensconced in Agatha Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. I remember whodunnit, but not the precise details of why and how, and how it gets figured out, so it’s been quite fun to try to piece that back together.

Cover of Godkiller by Hannah KanerWhat will you read next?

I’m not sure! I know I’m going to get R.F. Kuang’s Yellowface soonish from Libby, because I postponed getting it until after the next reader. That could be up to 21 days, though, so it probably makes sense to get on with reading the book I already have out, Hannah Kaner’s Godkiller, in order to clear the deck.

Maybe I’ll also get back to my reread of Becky Chambers’ Record of a Spaceborn Few…

So as you see, there’s plenty to keep me busy.

What about you?

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One response to “WWW Wednesday

  1. I need to take a look at Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. The title alone has me intrigued, but the fact that you are enjoying it is another point in its favor.

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