Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted September 14, 2024 by Nicky in General / 20 Comments

Happy Saturday! It’s been a quiet week around here, and I haven’t been feeling much like reading — but I did finally sort out my library card, and I got some tempting books out, so there’s hope.

Books acquired this week

First up, my haul from the library:

Cover of The Hunter by Richard Stark Cover of The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler Cover of Sir Hereward and Mister Fritz, by Garth Nix Cover of Pharos by Alice Thompson

Cover of The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young Cover of Burning Books for Pleasure and Profit by KJ Parker Cover of Sorcery & Cecilia by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer Cover of Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

As you see, I got quite enthusiastic! The first five are the ones I picked up from a bike trip down to the main library, while the latter three I grabbed on Libby.

I also got a review copy this week, of a book I’ve been very eagerly anticipating. Thanks, Tor!

Cover of The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine Addison

And finally, two that I bought. The latest volume of A Side Character’s Love Story is out, and my British Library Crime Classic book from my subscription arrived for this month.

Cover of A Side Character's Love Story vol 19 by Akane Tamura Cover of Metropolitan Mysteries, ed. Martin Edwards

As you see, there’s a lot to tempt me!

Posts from this week

As usual, let’s do a bit of a roundup. First the reviews:

And other posts:

What I’m reading

As I mentioned above, I haven’t been reading a lot this week. I’m onto a flashback arc again in Heaven Official’s Blessing, and I know it’s also pretty dark, so I’ve not been super drawn to that… and in general, I haven’t been in the mood very much. I think it’s picking up today, though: I finally got back to my long-neglected reread of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and I’m quite tempted to pick up one or two of my library books.

Here are the books I’ve finished this week that I plan to review on the blog:

Cover of Heaven Official's Blessing vol 5 by MXTX Cover of Book Lovers by Emily Henry

I did read some poetry collections as well, but I don’t plan to review those on the blog.

So that’s been my week! How’s everyone else doing?

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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20 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

    • It’s been a while since I had a functioning library card, but I made an effort to get things sorted out, so I could have fun library trips again!

  1. Patricia C. Wrede is the author of the Dealing with Dragons series. I remember both of my kids loved that series, but I never got around to reading it. I did pick up the first of that series in a Kindle sale, and I hope I can read it one of these days soon.

    I love to bring home a bunch of books from the library. If they don’t work out, oh well, back to the library they go.

    • I don’t thiiiink I’ve read anything by Wrede before, but I’m very curious — I’ve been recommended this one a bunch of times for review on Postcrossing’s blog.

  2. Janette

    That’s a great library haul. I really enjoyed Godkiller. I’ve seen the Garth Nix around but not read it yet, I hope that you enjoy all of these.

  3. Oooh, that’s a really great haul! I had also checked out The Mountain in the Sea from my library not too long ago but had to return it before I could get to it. The Unmaking of June Farrow is another one I want to get to. So many great books!

    • My wife read The Mountain in the Sea last year and I keep meaning to get round to it from everything they said about it, but… here I am, terribly behind on everything I ever intended to read, ahaha.

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