Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

Posted August 3, 2024 by Nicky in General / 22 Comments

Wow, it’s been a warm week! I’m not really built for warm weather… nor for cold weather… I think I’m just not really built for weather. But the sunshine has been nice on my walks, I must admit!

The latest Bookly readathon has started, so I have been doing a little more reading than I was, and I hope the week ahead will be pretty busy, reading-wise. Especially given the haul I got last weekend.

Books acquired this week

I’m going to split my haul over the next 2-3 weeks, since I got a lot of books in one go. (Next haul… probably due the week after that, since August 20th is my birthday, ahaha.) First up, a little non-fiction:

Cover of Standard Deviations: Flawed Assumptions, Tortured Data, and Other Ways to Lie With Statistics by Gary Smith Cover of They Were Here Before Us by  Eyal Halfon and Ran Barkai

Cover of Invisible Friends by Jake M. Robinson Cover of Plagues Upon The Earth by Kyle Harper  Cover of Infectious by Dr John S. Tregoning

And here’s a couple of the fiction books I got as well:

Cover of Love Everlasting by Matt Hollingsworth, Tom King, Elsa Charretier Cover of The Duke at Hazard by KJ Charles

It’s a rather random mix, I know, just like the full haul. I do love having such a range around to read!

Posts from this week

Here goes the usual roundup:

Other posts:

What I’m reading

Right now I’m trying to finish up one of my new books, Standard Deviations, which is all about how data/statistics can be twisted to support totally made-up or opposite conclusions. It’s pretty well-explained, though I do have the advantage that I have (of necessity, as a science student) done two courses on stats.

It’s been a fun week, with some comics I plan to review and some manga which I won’t, alongside my chunkier non-fiction reads. Here are the books I read this week which I will post reviews of soon:

Cover of Love Everlasting by Matt Hollingsworth, Tom King, Elsa Charretier Cover of Tour de Force by Christianna Brand Cover of Clear by Scott Snyder Cover of Color by Victoria Finlay Cover of They Were Here Before Us by Eyal Halfon and Ran Barkai

Combined with the manga I read, it was definitely a busy reading week!

Linking up with Reading Reality’s Stacking the Shelves, Caffeinated Reviewer’s The Sunday Post, and the Sunday Salon over at Readerbuzz, as usual!

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22 responses to “Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post

    • I found it made people more inclined to click and check things out, which makes sense actually! So it’s worked well for me, at least!

  1. I find statistics fascinating and wish I’d taken more math/stats classes when I was younger. Would the book be understandable for a layperson? LOL I love summer and don’t mind the heat 😉 My husband hates it enough for both of us, though.

  2. I do love book hauls, but then yes, you have to find time to read them, haha! And then more books come that you want to read as well. I’m not a fan of the heat either! I’m thankful that we’re back to our normal 90s temps instead of the 100+ heatwave we had for 10 days! That was 2 weeks ago. My garden and I wilted. I can deal with the cold way better. I love wearing sweaters and having a fire to read by! Enjoy your books and have a great week! 🙂

  3. All your nonfiction looks like books I’d love to read. I do love me a good book haul.

    It’s in the mid-90s here in East Texas right now. I do miss my Gulf breezes. I am not a person who likes weather extremes either.

  4. mae

    I’ve read some of those — I especially remember “ Color: A Natural History of the Palette” but I can’t find any reviews that I wrote. Amazon confirms that I bought it in 2016!
    Good reading!
    beest, mae at

  5. I love the variety! The cover for Love Everlasting cracks me up. I was surprised to see that it is fiction. I am off to find out more about it. I am intrigued. Have a good week.

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