WWW Wednesday

Posted July 24, 2024 by Nicky in General / 2 Comments

It’s been a while since I did one of these, but I’m currently reading stuff I’m excited about and not just rereading (though I’m doing a lot of that too), so it seems like a good moment for an update!

So WWW Wednesday normally asks:

  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What are you planning on reading next?

What have you recently finished reading?

I just read the Dominion comics by Thomas Fenton. I wasn’t enormously impressed, alas; the idea feels kind of overdone, and the story’s third act suddenly went nyyoooooooom!!! through to a conclusion without much stopping to explain things or explore what they meant.

Cover of A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by KJ CharlesWhat are you currently reading?

I have finally picked up The Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel, by KJ Charles, which I am (as I’d expect from a KJ Charles novel) really loving. Poor Rufus really deserves better from his family, though he really should control his temper a bit better — calling his relatives a pack of c-words is just justified, but it’s clear he’s pretty intimidating when he gets cross. Very curious what Luke’s whole deal is.

I am also currently still in the middle of my Narnia reread, partway through Victoria Finlay’s Colour, and half a dozen other books that are kind of backburnered, as is my wont.

Cover of Tour de Force by Christianna BrandWhat are you planning on reading next?

Most likely I’ll pick up Christianna Brand’s Tour de Force, which was the new British Library Crime Classic for this month. I’m actually a couple of months behind on reading them, gasp, so I should get to those soon.

But, as usual, my whim rules all, and maybe it’ll take me somewhere else.

What’s everyone else reading?

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2 responses to “WWW Wednesday

  1. Rufus probably has unexamined PTSD with that temper and impatience – he reminds me of a large, loud friend of mine who went to Iraq, who was mostly easy-going and very sweet but he’d lose his temper in no time at all, and then always felt bad about something he said or scaring someone (because he’s 6’7″, looming is an issue he has to actively fight), even though he never laid hands on anyone or threatened them. It lost him more jobs than friends, though, because it really didn’t take long to realize he was trying his best.

    I won’t spoil Luke’s deal. :3

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