Good morning, everyone! It has been a quietish week for me, mostly spent coughing and sniffling, but I’m almost better now. And it’s a good thing I’m not putting library books in these posts anymore, because I’ve been on a serious spree lately. (Right now, I have, um… 50ish books out of the four libraries I’m a member of.)
Anyway! To books!
Received to review:
I’m especially excited about In the Vanishers’ Palace. I had it preordered anyway, and then I spotted it on Netgalley…
Exit Strategy! The final Murderbot! Eeeeek gaaah eeeeeee etc.
Read this week:
Reviews posted this week:
–Gods, Graves and Scholars, by C.W. Ceram. This is out of date in many ways, but the fascination is very much still there. It covers a lot of the great sites of archaeology that formed the whole discipline. 3/5 stars
–The Descent of Monsters, by JY Yang. I liked this less than the others: it seemed less able to stand along, more fragmentary. Still a fascinating addition to the world being built here, though. 3/5 stars
–Spying on Whales, by Nick Pyenson. Whales aren’t one of my primary fascinations, but they are fascinating creatures and Pyenson’s enthusiasm is catching. 3/5 stars
–Murder at the Brightwell, by Ashley Weaver. A fun Christie-esque mystery: nothing special, but nonetheless fun. 3/5 stars
–Ancient Lives, New Discoveries, by John H. Taylor and Daniel Antoine. A fascinating glimpse beneath the wrappings of mummies from the British Museum’s collection. 4/5 stars
Other posts:
–Discussion: How do you review? Musing on the ingredients that go into a good review.
–WWW Wednesday. The weekly update!
Out and about:
–Once Upon A Blue Moon: ‘Me, Too‘. A poem and commentary on the #MeToo movement.
–NEAT science: ‘Writing in DNA‘. Answering the question of how information can possibly be encoded by acids.
–NEAT science: ‘Why chimpanzees are still around‘. Explains how chimpanzees can be around if humans evolved from them. (Spoiler: we didn’t, we evolved from the same common ancestor, also, species do not have to die in order for new species to evolve anyway.)
So actually it’s been a bit of a busy week in some ways. How’re you doing?!
It was my last week in the office for my current contract so I’m FREEEEEEEE (well, technically I’m on-call until end November, but hopefully I won’t hear too much from them and at least it’s strictly remote support). I’m looking forward to sleeping in, spending mornings in PJs, getting back into a running routine and reading all the things. No more excuses for my blogging backlog? Guess so…
imyril recently posted…Wyrd and Wonder: Spooktastic Reads
Getting back into routines is so hard somehow though! I swear I’m not settled into mine yet and we’ve been moved in comfortably for weeks. Sigh…
Good luck reading all! the! things!
I had to grab Exit Strategy too! I can’t get enough of Murderbot! Glad you’re feeling better!
I’ve just got my wife into Murderbot, too! Mwahaha, etc.