Good morning, folks! It’s been another week already, strange as it seems to me. I’m in the depths of exam revision and such, but I’m still finding some time to read (thank goodness).
Received to review:
Starless! There are stars in my eyes right now.
Read this week:
Reviews posted this week:
–Universal, by Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw. Probably great if you’re more into maths, but not really for me. 2/5 stars
–American Hippo, by Sarah Gailey. Contains the two novellas plus two short stories — to my mind, worth getting, but a little disappointing as I wanted more about Hero. 4/5 stars
–Seven Daughters of Eve, by Bryan Sykes. For the most part, this is really informative and covers some really awesome science, but it’s a little out of date now and there are a few chapters which are just too weak academically for me (as in, I don’t even want them in my pop-science). 4/5 stars
–Permeable Borders, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman. The impression I took away from one of these stories was basically rapey rapey mcrapeface, so I decided to quit. 2/5 stars
–The Sisters of the Crescent Empress, by Leena Likitalo. I found this a little disappointing in some ways, in that I wanted some more resolution of certain plotlines, but it’s still a fascinating world. 4/5 stars
Other posts:
–Discussion: Audiobooks. Do you listen to audiobooks? Personally, I mostly stick to radioplays, because my attention spa
–WWW Wednesday. The latest on my currently reading pile!
How’s your week been? Anything exciting going on?
What am I reading? Well, I’m still stumbling through Under a Pendulum Sun which I’m still finding frustrating. Maybe it’s because it’s not proceeding in a fashion I’d have gone for, rather than the actual plot line.
I don’t think much of the dialogue is very convincing, and for me the language swaps too mucb between credible 19th-century pastiche and modern phraseology to fully suspend disbelief. And yet there are loads of ideas and themes and references and echoes going, so much so that I’m willing it to resolve in a way that is more satisfactory.
Anyway, nearly done. As you say, the relationship between Cathy and Laon is a bit icky but I can overlook that: after all Thomas Mann’s The Holy Sinner (based on the medieval Gregorius) covered a similar theme, and I found that a lot more uncomfortable.
Oh, and good luck with the revision!
Hmmm, that makes sense as a critique. It didn’t bother me at the time, but I wonder if it would now you’ve pointed it out more.
The Testament of Loki- whata cool cover! And Starless too- ooh new Carey.
I have a hard time with audiobooks- my attention tends to wander, unless I’m driving.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #246
Same, and it just goes so sloooow.
Both Starless and Testament of Loki are high on my list of highly anticipated reads! Starry eyes indeed! 😀
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves & Recent Reads
Very starry. Now I just need time…
Nothing exciting happening here except moving all the furnitue this week which is going to be hard work! Good luck with the revision.
chucklesthescot recently posted…Chuckles Chat #66 Scenarios We Love And Hate About Apocalypses
Thanks! It’s been taking over my life…!