Readathon updates: the wife edition

Posted April 29, 2017 by Lisa R in General / 7 Comments

Note: This is not your usual Bibliophibian. Instead, I am Lisa, I am guestposting, I am the oft-mentioned wife. Hello!

While I have observed many readathons from a safe distance, this is actually my first one.

I will mostly be dipping in and out, lacking the dedication to do the whole thing (and definitely lacking the ability to stay up all night) and being easily distracted by shiny videogames and little bunnies.

14h00: En route from grocery store. Why is it always such a long queue…

14h18: At last! An opening survey…

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Belgium!
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? I have no defined stack. I’m going to finish Nikki’s copy of Final Girls (Mira Grant) and try and finish High Lord (Trudi Canavan, Black Magician trilogy) though I’m more in a scifi mood…
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? I am trying to keep my snacking to a minimum, sadly. But there’s the possibility of mug cake and egg rolls for dinner, so that’s decent.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! Much like Nikki, I have exams coming up mid-June. Network and operating systems & Business Intelligence (alongside practical network assignments and a webdevelopment project). Ack! Other than that, I am going to enjoy the heck out of this long weekend.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? …all the reading? But mostly a quiet bookish weekend.


Off to book!

15h08: Finished Final Girls and am now in possession of an actual stack!

My stack: Dust (Elizabeth Bear), Terra & Terra's World (Mitch Ben), The last days of new paris (China Miéville), Behind the throne (KB Wagers)
Books, books, books…


16h20: Went down to Würst to get a hotdog, chili and some hummus because I am weak and it is very tasty. Back to surrealist Paris I go

17h25: This book is so weird. ‘s what I get for reading Miéville, I suppose.

23h15: I did say I’d get distracted. Went out to get a snack, took the bunnies for a drive in an effort to make them bond and get along and then fell into the black hole of stardew valley. Oh well. Something to eat now and bed is likely not far off.



7 responses to “Readathon updates: the wife edition

  1. Hi Lisa! *waves* I always have to have snacks when I’m reading…some nice sushi, a big slab of white chocolate. crisps of some description…Good luck with your readathon!

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