ShelfLove August Update

Posted August 1, 2016 by Nicky in General / 4 Comments

ShelfLove Challenge 2016

ShelfLove Update!


The goals where I’m ahead are in blue; bang on are in green; behind by up to five books are in orange; anything else is in red. I now have a running total to show where I should be for the month too (e.g. by June I should’ve read 182 books overall).

  • Targets: 
    • 250 or less books bought;
    • 366 books read overall;
    • 200 books read which I owned prior to 2016;
    • no more than 10% of income on books per month.
  • Books bought this year so far: 130/140.
  • May books bought: 29/20.
  • May budget: £40/£35.
  • Owned books read this month: 19/16.
  • Books read this month: 30/31.
  • Owned books read overall: 115/117 (2 books behind).
  • Books read overall: 205/213 (8 books behind).

I actually caught up properly at some point this month, but with wedding plans and an assignment due, I slipped back again.

This month’s theme from ShelfLove is about reading rituals and such, and honestly, I don’t really have any. I read wherever I can, whenever I can. I’ve had some reading nooks over time, when I didn’t really have my own space — I used to hide in the little spare shower room at my grandparents’ house, or sit on their stairs to read. But now I just sit in my chair or in bed or whatever and read wherever I am.

And as for a TBR for August, well, I have no idea what I’m going to have time for and I did really badly with actually sticking to my July TBR, but I would like to read the following in August.

  • Ilona Andrews, Magic Shifts.
  • Ilona Andrews, Magic Binds.
  • Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette, The Tempering of Men.
  • Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette, An Apprentice to Elves.
  • Marie Brennan, In Ashes Lie.
  • Marie Brennan, A Star Shall Fall.
  • Susan Dennard, Truthwitch.
  • Diane Duane, The Door into Sunset.
  • Chris Holm, Red Right Hand.
  • Tanya Huff, Blood Pact.
  • Tanya Huff, Blood Debt.
  • Emma Newman, Planetfall.
  • V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows.
  • Jen Williams, The Iron Ghost.
  • Jen Williams, The Silver Tide.

Which sounds very optimistic, and honestly, we’ll just have to see…

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