Not quite an Unstacking the Shelves week, but that’s okay because I don’t have many books finished, either! I’ve been trucking along with reading City of Stairs, but haven’t finished it. As you might expect, given my goal is to finish 365 books this year, I’m now behind! I’ve made my partner promise that tomorrow is all for reading (except for the bit where we go for a walk — I’ve just got a Fitbit, and I’m determined to get my 10,000 steps!).
Still, I haven’t bought any books this week, just received one ARC:
I’m excited to have got this, as I usually enjoy Joanne Harris’ work and this has the same setting as Gentlemen & Players and blueeyedboy, if I recall correctly. Looking forward to reading it.
And now for the weekly roundup:
Reviews this week:
–The Grey King, by Susan Cooper. An old favourite, and set in Wales, so no wonder it gets… 5/5 stars
–The Parthenon, by Mary Beard. Interesting, even if it didn’t focus on what I was expecting it to focus on. 4/5 stars
–Ruin and Rising, by Leigh Bardugo. Last book of the trilogy, and definitely worth it in my view. Loved the moral ambiguity at some points. 4/5 stars
–Murder in Montparnasse, by Kerry Greenwood. Another solid instalment of Miss Fisher solving mysteries, though not my favourite. 3/5 stars
–Lagoon, by Nnedi Okorafor. I found this interesting, but ultimately the pacing didn’t work for me, nor the treatment of LGBT characters. 3/5 stars
–The Mistletoe Bride & Other Haunting Tales, by Kate Mosse. Some interesting stories, but overall it felt kind of overwritten. 2/5 stars
–Flashback Friday: Young Avengers: Family Matters, by Allan Heinburg and Jim Cheung. A reminder to reread this whole series soon, I think! 4/5 stars
Other posts:
–Top Ten Tuesday: 2015 Releases. Just shows you how behind I am, really…
Hope everyone’s well and reading more than me! Totally feel free to explore the week’s posts and comment, or go further back if you like — I always try to return comments!
Fitbit is great. I hope you enjoy your walk AND fine some time to read
Some, but I think I was too tired to feel like reading!
You are doing really well with your unstacking! I’m feeling more chilled out about my numbers…I’m not going to stress about it and just enjoy my reading!
I just don’t feel like buying books, at the moment! It’s not even all that conscious. I’m glad you’re not stressing though — that takes all the fun out of it, sometimes.
Glad to hear you enjoyed Ruin and Rising, and the Grisha Trilogy as a whole. I loved reading that series as well.
Is the Grey King part of The Dark Is Rising series? I need to get back on that at some point; I’ve only read the first book so far…
Sara L. recently posted…Stacking The Shelves, Vol. 21: Christmas-January Haul, Plus My Reading Plan for 2016
Yeah, I can’t wait to read Six of Crows!
It is! It’s a great series, gets better with each book.
Awesome haul. I didn’t get to read a lot this past week. Hoping that will change. Hope you love your new book.
Same here, somehow I just never found the time. Hope we both get more time for books in the next week!
I didn’t know Joanne Harris had a new book! Well, she writes prolifically, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s such a versatile writer too, so I’d be interested to see how this is!
Yep, due out in April! It should be interesting, though I haven’t got stuck in yet.
Oh I didn’t know Joanne Glass had a new one out – I will have to check that one out. It’s been a while since I have read anything by her.
It’s out properly in April, but it’s on Netgalley now!
I haven’t heard of Different Class, but it looks intriguing. I’ll have to keep my eyes out. Happy reading!