The Twelve Caesars, Matthew Dennison
The quote on the cover calling this ‘gossipy’ is right; ‘insightful’, not so much. There’s a lack of meaningful dates and orientation, and Dennison avoids picking a side so much that he immediately undermines any definite point with something else. He talks about Tiberius, for example, presents him as a little reluctant to take power, and then a couple of pages later presents him as a power-hungry tyrant; he talks about his simple, ascetic life, and then repeats gossip about his sexual proclivities and excesses.
It mostly seems as though Dennison is unsure about what the truths are, and isn’t willing to put in the scholarship to figure out how true or false any particular assertion may be. He just seems to present it all.
So yeah, didn’t find this all that entertaining, really. It’s just so vague about actual events.
Huh, that’s too bad, I normally really like books like this.
Yeah, me too, and I was quite prepared to like this, but it just ended up being so… vague.