Stacking the Shelves

Posted March 29, 2014 by Nicky in General / 36 Comments

It’s Monday as I’m starting to assemble this post, and I already have two reservations to pick up from the library, so I think I can confidently say this is going to be a busy week. Which is just the way I like it. So, as usual for a Saturday morning, here’s my Stacking the Shelves post for the meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews!

Review copies

Cover of Unravelling Oliver by Liz Nugent

Bought (fiction)

Cover of Fortune's Pawn by Rachel Bach Cover of The Burning Dark by Adam Christopher

Bought (non-fiction)

Cover of My Beloved Brontosaurus by Brian Switek Cover of Oxygen: The Molecule that Made the World by Nick Lane Cover of The Spark of Life by Frances Ashcroft

Library (fiction)

Cover of Ember and Ash by Pamela Freeman Cover of Hounded by Kevin Hearne Cover of Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

Library (non-fiction)

Cover of Dry Store Room No. 1 by Richard Fortey Cover of Darwin's Ghost by Steve Jones Cover of Earth: An Intimate History by Richard Fortey

I’m most excited about the Richard Fortey book, I think. I’ve already read the one from last week and the first one in this post. I really like his style. Also glad to have finally found a book on dinosaurs — I’ve read one of Switek’s books before and quite liked it.

For the fiction, I’m most interested in Fortune’s Pawn, by Rachel Bach. Even if my Welsh-orientated brain reads her name as ‘little Rachel’. My sister loved the book, and Kameron Hurley recently mentioned it in a list of recs. Also curious about, if wary of, Magic Bites — I’ve never read Ilona Andrews before and I don’t know if it’ll be my thing. But I enjoyed Charlaine Harris when I didn’t expect to, so!

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36 responses to “Stacking the Shelves

  1. Great haul of books this week! I looked at Ember & Ash and though that sounds familiar, turns out I have a copy somewhere in the house. Will have to dig it out as it’s obviously something I wanted to read! I got The Burning Dark a couple of weeks ago at a signing Adam Christopher did in London, haven’t started it yet but hopefully I’ll get to it soon.

    Enjoy your new books and happy reading 🙂

    • I’d never heard of it, but I saw it randomly in the library and felt curious! And oooh, I wanted to go to that signing, but it wouldn’t have worked out for me. I want to get round to reading that soon, too!

      Thanks! You too.

  2. Cait

    I keep seeing the cover for Magic Bites and thinking that’s Aslan escaping from Narnia… o.O lol This looks like a great haul! You’ve got a lot of reading this week, too, eh?! Go us! We will be reading machines! XD

  3. I loved Hounded a lot-lots of mythology, action and humour! I’ve just pre-ordered the latest book which is out in June. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for visiting me!

  4. The Kate Daniels Series is one of my absolute favorite series to exist. I hope you like it as much as I loved it. I’m liking your blog and you’ll see me. I haven’t heard much about the other books, but I’ll swear by anything Ilona Andrews related.

    You should join bloglovin 🙂

    Rebecca of Vicairously!

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