Stacking the Shelves

Posted February 22, 2014 by Nicky in General / 36 Comments

For the usual meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! I did get a few books this week, but funnily enough I’ve finished 3/4 already! So it’s almost cancelled out…

Cover of DNA: The Secrets of Life by James Watson Cover of Batgirl: The Darkest Reflection, by DC Comics 0099429837.01._SX450_SY635_SCLZZZZZZZ_ Cover of The Origins of Virtue by Matt Ridley

What’s anyone else been sneaking home from the bookshop/library?

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36 responses to “Stacking the Shelves

  1. You’ve already read 3 of them? Wow. I often haul books & then don’t read any of them for about a month πŸ˜‰ I’ve only seen Invisible Cities around, of these but still cool. I hope you enjoy reading whichever the one left is…
    Not all my haul has come from a bookshop & none from a library (this time round, but I love libraries!) but thanks for checking it out BTW <3

    • Hee, I’m normally worse than that — there are some from my earlier Stacking the Shelves posts I’m sure I haven’t got to, and you only have to look at my 2013 unread list… erk. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf! The one left is the one on DNA, partly ’cause I think I’ll read James Watson’s earlier book first.
      I hope you enjoy yours too!

  2. Wow I would love to be able to clear all the books I got in a week straight away! Some have been festering on my tbr for YEARS before I get a look at them! This is the year I need to make more effort! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    • It is! I’ve enjoyed all the books from it (not quite finished with the last one, but still). And yeah, I’ve been denied ARCs because publishers just can’t figure me out.

      Thanks for dropping by!

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