Unstacking the Shelves

Posted March 25, 2017 by Nicky in General / 18 Comments

Yep, it’s happened! That rare, rare week where I actually don’t have any new books to show off, and instead show off the books I’ve read this week in pride of place.

Books finished this week:

Cover of What is Life by Addy Pross Cover of Medical Frontiers by New Scientist Cover of Relativity; Einstein's Mind-bending Universe by New Scientist

Cover of Virolution by Frank Ryan Cover of Urn Burial by Kerry Greenwood

Not a bad week, though the last day or two have been completely taken up by starting to play the new Mass Effect game! A sneak peek at ratings…

-Four stars to… Medical Frontiers and Urn Burial.
-Three stars to… What is Life?, Relativity: Einstein’s Mind-bending Universe, and Virolution.

Reviews posted this week:

Mesopotamia, by Gwendolyn Leick. Aspects of this gave me the feeling the author was speculating wildly without really having any proof, so I actually bailed and never finished it. 1/5 stars
Temeraire, by Naomi Novik. A reread, but I’d forgotten how fun it is! Dragons! Adventure! War! Alternate history! The rest of the series gets less awesome, I hear, but this installment is great. 4/5 stars
On Basilisk Station, by David Weber. I found myself noticing the flaws more this time, but I still really enjoyed the reread. 4/5 stars
Rolling in the Deep, by Mira Grant. Fun, but I feel like it was a little underdeveloped and thus predictable. Nice format, though. 3/5 stars
Natural Histories, by Brett Westwood and Stephen Moss. A little unstructured for my tastes, but some interesting stuff. 3/5 stars
Final Girls, by Mira Grant. This one got under my skin; interesting concept, and the emotional side worked for me. 4/5 stars
p53: The Gene that Cracked the Cancer Code, by Sue Armstrong. Fascinating topic, and really readable. If you’re scared of cancer, but curiosity is your antidote, this definitely satisfied mine. 4/5 stars

Other posts:

Top Ten Tuesday: Read In One Sitting. Some of these are pretty long, but they had me hooked.

Remember… no new books were obtained. I resisted! Instead, we’re celebrating what I managed to read. <3

How’s everyone been doing?

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18 responses to “Unstacking the Shelves

  1. Hurrah for an unstacking week! I could do with a few of those…You did well with your reading this week so big congrats! Hope you have a good weekend and productive week!

  2. Hey, no new books is a good thing! I’m happy for you! I thought my week was also going to end up in the same way (no new books) but then I got a ton of Edelweiss/NetGalley approvals on Friday. o_o I had completely forgotten that I made those requests… LOL. In any case, I hope you read lots of great books this coming week!

    Have a fantastic weekend, Nikki. =)

    Check out my STS post!
    Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Stacking the Shelves (#222)My Profile

    • Indeed! It’s just that so often when I post my Unstacking posts, people respond with “enjoy your new books!” It’s a little disheartening when they’re so obviously visiting only to get visits in return. And haha, NG/EW are daaangerous!

  3. WOW, Nikki. Well done! I wonder if that will ever happen to me… I am pretty notorious when it comes to adding more books.

    The Mesapotamia book made me sad – it’s too bad you felt like the author was speculating – I am very interested in Mesapotamia, but I want actual facts. If there is a little bit of speculating, that should be very clear, and only based on the research on hand.

    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts #108 – On Second ThoughtMy Profile

    • Haha, me too, though! So it happens…

      Yeah, it was really disappointing because I’d love to read a good book on the area. The Buried Book by David Damrosch was pretty good, but it focused on the Epic of Gilgamesh rather than general Mesopotamian history.

  4. Oh your this week’s reading is awesome! I too can’t restrain myself from buying books, I always try to go on ban because I have so many unread books but it just doesn’t happen. I try the physical books ban then, that turns out to be success but not the ebooks one.
    Here’s My STS
    Priyanka recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #3My Profile

    • I’m enjoying it, but it feels very much like ME2 and a lot of the themes are similar to the original trilogy. There’s quite a few bugs, too, mostly to do with quest order — you can trigger things in completely the wrong order just by accidentally driving to the wrong part of the map. I am especially enjoying the increased moral ambiguity, though.

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