Diagnosis: Solving the Most Baffling Medical Mysteries, Lisa Sanders
Each chapter of this book is a little précis of a case, with the key details you need for figuring out what exactly happened, should you have the knowledge and experience — and of course some flavour text, because where would we be without knowing that a young girl was an athlete, or a straight-A student, etc, etc? The stories are pretty short, each illustrating a medical mystery (to one degree or another — some of these I guessed, and others I’d have no idea about).
It’s very light, of course, but for a layperson it’s perfect, and illustrates some of the weirdnesses of bodies and diseases. I found that it actually made me a little anxious, partly because of the trappings of characterisation and life situations that were given for flavour — it makes it all too easy for me to imagine the same situation happening to me and my loved ones. Nonetheless, I powered through, and thought it was pretty interesting and well-written for what it is.