Review – Libraries in the Ancient World

Posted February 22, 2018 by Nicky in Reviews / 6 Comments

Cover of Libraries in the Ancient World by Lionel CassenLibraries in the Ancient World, Lionel Casson

Libraries in the Ancient World contains a not too surprising round of historical libraries, including of course the Palace of Ashurbanipal and the Library of Alexandria, but nonetheless I found it interesting to read about exactly who libraries were for and how they worked in various societies. Casson’s style is engaging, and I found it just overall the kind of relaxing read about a thing I love that fills an excellent gap without being wildly exciting or revelatory.

I know that seems like faint praise, but I really can’t think of anything else to say! If you want to look at the history of libraries, this makes a good start.

Rating: 3/5

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6 responses to “Review – Libraries in the Ancient World

  1. Lovely review matey! I did some more reading into the Palace of Ashurbanipal and it’s library. Somehow I had known of the contents but either didn’t know or had forgotten about how it came about. Fascinating that such texts survive and can be read today. I did a fun law project involving a cuniform tablet back in the day. Knowledge is awesome!
    x The Captain

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